Paper: The Real Effects of Export Credit Subsidies: Evidence from the U.S. EXIM Shutdown Abstract: We study how export credit subsidies affect firm behavior using the...
Paper: Mergers, Foreign Competition, and Jobs: Evidence from the U.S. Appliance Industry Abstract: Policy choices often entail trade-offs between workers and consumers. I assess how...
Paper: Financial Inclusion, Economic Development, and Inequality: Evidence from Brazil Abstract: We study a financial inclusion policy targeting Brazilian cities with low bank branch coverage using...
Paper: Capital Flow Management Measures and Dollarization Abstract: This paper studies from an empirical and theoretical perspective the systemic and bank- level eff ects of imposing reserve...
Paper: Capital Controls and the Optimality of Inflation Targeting in Emerging Economies with Downward Wage Rigidities Abstract: Large external shocks put Central Banks in emerging economies with...
Paper: Does Increasing Public Spending in Health Improve Health? Lessons from Constitutional Reform in Brazil Coautores: Damian Clarke and Michel Szklo Abstract: This paper assesses the causal...
Paper: “Safe Assets in Emerging Market Economies” Abstract: “Do local-currency sovereign bonds in emerging markets work as safe assets? I estimate convenience yields arising from their safety/liquidity...
Coautores: Pedro Carneiro, Barton Willage, and Alexander Willén Paper: Childhood Shocks Across Ages and Human Capital Formation Abstract: We provide estimates of the causal impact of shocks to...
Paper: Platform Competition and App Development Abstract: We study the development of apps on competing platforms. We first show that, whenever an increase in the commission charged...