Paper: “Safe Assets in Emerging Market Economies” Abstract: “Do local-currency sovereign bonds in emerging markets work as safe assets? I estimate convenience yields arising from their safety/liquidity...
Coautores: Pedro Carneiro, Barton Willage, and Alexander Willén Paper: Childhood Shocks Across Ages and Human Capital Formation Abstract: We provide estimates of the causal impact of shocks to...
Paper: Platform Competition and App Development Abstract: We study the development of apps on competing platforms. We first show that, whenever an increase in the commission charged...
Paper: Optimal Urban Transportation Policy: Evidence from Chicago Coautores: Felipe Barbieri, Juan Camilo Castillo, Nathaniel Hickok, and Tobias Salz Abstract: Urban transportation policies have become a focal point...
Paper: Efficiency and Redistribution in Environmental Policy: An Equilibrium Analysis of Agricultural Supply Chains Abstract: I build an empirical model of the South American agricultural sector...
Paper: Keep your Enemies Closer: Strategic Platform Adjustments During U.S. and French Elections Coautores: Rafael Di Tella, Randy Kotti and Vincent Pons Abstract: A key tenet of...
En la Facultad de Economía y Administración se realizará este Workshop, el cual reunirá a expertos internacionales de diversas disciplinas (economía, psicología, sociología, historia) que...
Continuando con la tradición que comenzó en 2019, nos reuniremos el 28 de diciembre para realizar el 5to Economics Alumni Workshop en la Facultad con...